[공통] 기술경영경제정책대학원 '산업과 환경 전략' 수업 안내
공과대학 기술경영경제정책 협동과정 대학원에서는 ‘12년 1학기에 '산업과환경전략' 과목을 개설합니다. 본 수업은 에너지 산업 관련 환경 전략에 대한 내용을 기반으로 진행되며 수업 목표는 다음과 같습니다.
[수업 목표]
The course is designed to bring industry best practices developing a business and marketing strategy from R&D outputs in the areas of Energy, New Materials and Electric Vehicle. The course also brings many guest speakers, who are leaders in technology driven large corporations. Following an overview of business and technology strategies of their respective organizations and technical expertise, the speakers will also share their own views on technology management processes, systems, people, and organizational issues through question and answer session with students.
A business strategy development exercise will be carried out through the course based on real case. A few R&D results and potential business impact will be given to the students. Students, as team, shall develop a business and marketing strategy based on the information provided.
Students will have opportunities to learn and discuss
1) how to develop a new business plan based on Technology products,
2) how to manage a new business.
In addition, students may find the various career paths leading to the top technology management positions based on the lecturers’ real experience. Students will also be able to learn how to develop a business plan for a given products.
- 강좌번호 : 463.529
- 교과목명 : 산업과 환경전략
- 담당교수 : 김 동섭 (직, 객원 교수)
- 학점 : 3
- 강의 시간 : 수 18:00~20:50
- 강의 장소 : 37동 310호
- 수강자 참고사항
모든 학과생 수강 환영
- 산업과 환경 전략_강의계획서.hwp (32 KB, download:36)