[대학원] [Editing Press]  Laura Bassi Scholarship (7/24(수)까지)

조선미l 2024-06-17l 조회수 274
다음과 같이 2024년 여름 로라 바시 장학금(Laura Bassi Scholarship)을 안내하오니 관심있는 학생은 지원신청 바랍니다.

The Laura Bassi Scholarship, which awards a total of $8,000 thrice per annum, was established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed.
The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Summer 2024.

All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline

1. 신청기한: 2024.7.24일 까지
2. 지원대상자: 석사, 박사 대학원생
2. 지원방법: 온라인 지원 (https://editing.press/bassi.php)
3. 문의: anderson.c@editorial.institute